Captured Desserts

Jeni’s Ice cream You Must Try

Jeni’s Ice Cream


Really who doesn’t like ice cream? I guess if you’re lactose intolerant then yeah maybe. But, this creamy treat is always on the top of my list of desserts, especially Jenni Ice Cream.

Now that introduction may sound like an Ad but it’s not. This ice cream just has my heart. So let me tell you a story of my love for Jeni’s Ice Cream. It was a warm summer day in California, me and my family wanted a quick treat and I wanted to go out and take some pictures. So I had heard and seen this new ice cream shop called Jenni Ice Cram at the Calabasas Commons. I was like why don’t we go there? This was one of the best decisions I have ever made.


So, my sister, aunt, and I get in the car and ride over. We get inside Jenni Ice Cream and we are greeted with a warm welcome. They proceeded to tell us a little bit about the company which honestly I can’t remember what they were saying I was just thinking, “My lord look at all this ice cream”.


Now it was time to make our pick.


To this day I’m not sure what I ordered but it was DELICIOUS. I believe it was Pistachio. But my aunt’s choice blew my mind. She got 2 scoops of Buttercream Cake Ice Cream. When I tell you with a straight face I would hand over my firstborn for this I mean it. Haha!! But with all jokes aside when she let me take a bite I just looked at my scoop like I just found my one true love.

It was so good she decided to buy a pint. And this is when things got serious. So we get home and obviously we tell the family about this amazing ice cream. So they of course want to try it out. My aunt proceeded to give them all a teaspoon and one at a time they can come and get a scoop. And they did. And their reaction was like mine. Complete awwwww (insert drool emjoi). With each lick, you don’t know to scream, cry, get on your knees, and pray cause it’s so good.


The Scoop


Now this goes on for a few days. There was a time set at the end of the day and we would literally all get our teaspoons get in line and wait for our turn to get our scoop for the day. It sounds so crazy but we loved it. It was such a moment we could enjoy together as a family. And my aunt could gloat that she picked this flavor everyone was going go go ga ga over.


So what I’m saying with all this is run don’t walk to your nearest Jeni’s Ice Cream. Some stores even sell it and get yourself a pint of Buttercream Ice Cream Cake Ice cream. And be prepared to share.